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Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Dogs are often described as man’s best friend. As owners we believe that our dog sees us the same way. Yes, they are our pets and yes, they are animals, but we treat them like they are family. To take a quote from a popular Disney Movie, ‘family means nobody gets left behind.’ Losing a dog can be devastating. In case of an emergency, you need to be able to find your pet, or for other people to be able to notify you if they find your furry family member. This is why every dog should be tagged first and...

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How Supplements Can Benefit Your Horse

How Supplements Can Benefit Your Horse

Ideally, a natural grazing diet would meet all of your horse's nutritional needs, but that isn't always possible or practical. How, then, do you know if supplements are necessary, which ones may be best and how they can benefit your horse? Why You Might Need to Consider Supplements There are many reasons why adding supplements to your horse's diet may be helpful or even necessary. While every horse has different nutritional needs and not every horse will require supplements even in the same circumstances, factors that can influence a need for supplements include… Pasture Quality: If the only pasture available...

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Your Aging Horse: Winter Horse Care

Your Aging Horse: Winter Horse Care

Winter can be a stressful season even for a horse in its prime. Older horses are even more vulnerable and need some special care considerations to stay healthy and comfortable through the winter. How Senior Horses Have Different Needs It can be difficult to decide when an individual horse has reached its senior years. Just how healthy a horse is, how hard it has worked, what care it has received, where it lives, and the general stresses of life all contribute to a horse’s age beyond the calendar, but in general any horse age 15 or older is considered a...

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